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Realities מציאויות وقائع | A Conference on Realities

Bezalel Academy of Art and Design

I will be discussing multipool perspectives and layered times with Vardit gross at Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design conference.

The Department of Photography conference, "Realities 2022", is dedicated to the linkage between photography and reality.

In the preceding century, the prevalent assumption had been that photography is an indexical imprint, true to reality. The current era demonstrates the opposite: photography neither represents reality nor is true to it but rather distorts and disrupts it, creating fictive realities. The conference will address the following issues: reality shows and the pre-conception of photography as representative of reality; art practices that are active in this arena and create reality out of thin air; the relationship of photography and reality, beginning with the inherent history of the medium, alongside changes in the discourse and technological developments that feed them, such as Metaverse and NFTs.


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