director and playwright Eyal Weiser
Oct 22, 2016
18th China Shangahi International Arts Festival - How's the Beast?
For his play "How's the beast" I collaborated with director and playwright Eyal Weiser and created two video works that accompany the...

Six Verbs Movement festovole
Oct 7, 2015
Six Verbs Movement festival at Centrum Kultury, Lublin - How's The Beast?
The play How's The Beast? By Eyal Weiser featuring my video work is the opening show at Six Verbs Movement festival at Centrum Kultury,...

Artistic Director Itzik Giuli
Jun 27, 2015
Israel Festival - How's the Beast?
Today is the premiere of "How's The Beast?" by director and playwright Eyal Weiser. The show is a response to last summer's war in Gaza....